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Answer question inat least 300 words. Cite all sources (not included in word count).Question: Why did ancient thinkers focus on good character as a prerequisite for leadership? Provide an example.Answer question inat least 300 words. Cite all sources (not included in word count).Question: Why were the Ancient Greek philosophers distrustful of democracy?For these two questions use BOOK and outside CREDIBLE sources if needed.Answer question inat least 300 words. Cite all sources (not included in word count).Question: How do the Confucian values of family, ancestry, and filial piety affect the political organization of Chinese society?For this question use PDF attached and outside sources if you want.Answer question inat least 300 words. Cite all sources (not included in word count).Question: What is a unique African or African-American contribution to International Relations thought?For this question use both PDF on Mande Charter African and outside sources if needed

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