Need to do a review of 4-6 pages of the material covered, videos, book, and assigned readings.There will be 5 REVIEWS IN TOTAL FOR THIS CLASS, and I would like to work with you for the FIVE of them. One every week $65, in total for the 5 assignments weekly will be $325.This class also has a FINAL EXAM, that we can discuss later ( I WILL PAY MORE THAN $100, I STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT IS IT BUT I HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT).You will see the BOOK ATTACHED.LINKS FOR THE VIDEOS:Steve Smith on bringing International Relations theory to life (2014) (Links to an external site.)Gerard vanderRee, “Realism”-Lecture (2014) (Links to an external site.)RichardBetts, “Realism”-Lecture-(Columbia University)-March 2007 (54 minutes) (Links to an external site.)JohnMearsheimer- Lecture: “Structural Realism”- (The Open University) 2014 – (10 minutes)JohnMearsheimer: “An Offensive Realist’s View of China and Crimean Crisis”-2014 (Watch from minute 11 to minute 50) (Links to an external site.)RandallSchweller: Theory in Action: Realism-2011 (Links to an external site.)The video section includes comments by Steven Smith explaining the role of IR theory in general, two lectures by Richard Betts and Mearsheimer on the Realist school, and conversations with leading neorealists, Waltz and Mearsheimer, as well as a lecture on the rise of China from a neorealist perspective (Those videos in this section that are designated as “Required” must be included in the Review).