Discussion 4: The Political Economy of the Presidency — Understanding the Power of Business Interests and Social MovementsGrover argues that we cannot adequately understand the presidency unless we include an analysis of how capitalism and different interest groups — especially “big business” — shape politics. In his view, many major perspectives on the presidency are flawed because they have ignored this point (for instance, Rossiter, Neustadt, and Schlesinger). Drawing on Grover (Chapter 2) and/or Tichenor, please consider how a focus on economic and social conflicts and interest groups can help us to understand the presidency. Your answer should consider some specific insights from the readings.3. How does Tichenor’s analysis of social movements from the first half of the 20th Century add to our understanding? Does this fit with or challenge Grover’s views?5. Can we apply Grover or Tichenor’s ideas to the Obama or Trump years?*Read Chapter 2 of Grover (attached).*Read Tichenor (attached).*Please use page numbers in citations.