Research Political Parties and Political IdeologyRead the article by Timothy Ferris,”Conservative is not Opposite Liberal, That’s Totalitarianism”LINK: the book and the internet, identify and construct political spectra1) Research the following terms: Libertarians, Democrats, Republicans, Green Party, Tea Party/Reform Party, Progressives/Liberals, Conservatives, Fascists, Communists, and Socialists.use multiple sourcessource content usingin-text citation (Links to an external site.)summarize content, avoid plagiarismmake use of quotes2) Draw a one-dimensional political spectrum and include the above terms, placing the terms where you think is most appropriateexplain what the extremes or “ends” of the diagrams representyou can hand-draw and scan the diagramsyou can use software to construct the diagrams3)Next, Draw a two-dimensional political spectrum (like Ferris) and label the same parties as above on this spectrumyou can use Ferris’ diagram, someone else’s, or your own 2-D spectrum or shapeif you use someone else’s idea from the internet, give them credit for their diagrambriefly explain what the diagram represents, analyzes, how it works, etc4) NotesFeel free to be unique with your 2-D diagram and presentation of the materialuse clear structure, introduce content where necessary** Assignment is graded on the neatness and clarity of diagrams, presentation, structure of content, and completeness of summaries/research.******Upload using PDF