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China’s impressive economic growth has relied upon coal in the main. As stated in the module notes and reviewable here, (Links to an external site.) coal makes up 44 percent of overall Chinese energy supplies, and 68.2 percent of electrical generation. This reliance on coal for power and industry presents China with tremendous dilemmas (Links to an external site.). In considering aspects of these, address the questions below.Based on your considered review of this module’s readings and the  video on Chinese energy use, as well as your reflection upon all of the  modules, evaluate the questions below.How does China’s reliance on coal epitomize the central “single energy dilemma” identified in the beginning of this course?In your personal assessment, is it likely that China can move away from and off coal?Your initial post should be at least 350 words and must substantively  integrate the assigned readings in the instructions with proper APA (Links to an external site.) style formatting.Krauss, C. (2007, December 9). Oil-rich nations use more energy, cutting exports. The New York Times. Retrieved from (2017, July 5). Russia To Start Supplying Gas To China By Pipeline In December 2019 (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from (2014, September 1). Putin breaks ground on Russia-China gas pipeline, world’s biggest. RT TV. Retrieved from Loon, J., & Paton, J. (2014, December 8). Jobs trump climate in bromance of Canada and Australia . Bloomberg News. Retrieved  from

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