Watch the video: Purdue OWL: Visual Rhetoric (here).Copy and Paste into your browser if the Blackboard link does not work: Review Textbook Chapter 4 (Section 2-a) “Summary and Comparison of the Classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian Models” in the Week 7 Reading and Study folder.3. Review the visual (here): above link is not working. The visual has been inserted below:4. Analyze the effectiveness of the visual argument presented in the visual in a 300-350 word response containing the following information:Based on the video: “Purdue OWL: Visual Rhetoric”:Describe the Rhetorical Situation of the visual (purpose, audience, context).How do the visual elements persuade the viewer to think or act in a certain way? Give specific examples of visual elements in the visual. Are the elements effective considering the Rhetorical Situation you have identified? Explain.Are there ways that the visual elements could be presented differently for a better result? What aspects of the visual are most effective? Explain.Based on the “Summary and Comparison of the Classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian Models”:Which model do you think could best be supported with this visual? Give specific reasons to support your answer (i.e. use of appeals in Classical, use of claim, warrants, and backing in Toulmin, or the common ground in Rogerian).Complete your analysis with a summary of the effectiveness of the visual argument presented in the visual.Cite the visual according to your documentation style (APA, MLA, or Turabian).Write MLA, APA, or Turabian in the title of your thread as follows: Title–Citation style (e.g., “Silence the Violence: A Visual Argument Critique – APA”). Check your A Writer’s Reference to verify your citations.Review the Discussion Board Forum Grading Rubric before submitting.